The GI MAP is a comprehensive stool test that is offered through Diagnostic Solutions Lab. It is one of the few comprehensive stool tests on the market, and it can shine a light on what’s going on with your gut flora (your microbiome), so your practitioner can help you identify how to fix any imbalances.
This comprehensive stool test uses something called PCR technology to test for a number of pathogens, including parasites, viruses, and common bacterial pathogens such as H. pylori, C. diff, Campylobacter, E. coli and more.
Who Should Get a GI-MAP Comprehensive Stool Test?
Although most people could benefit from seeing what’s going on with their gut flora, those with some of the following symptoms are especially good fits for this test.
Gas, bloating, distention
Skin conditions, including eczema, acne, psoriasis
Abnormal physical symptoms
Brain fog and cognitive decline
Mood disorders, including depression or anxiety
Reactions to a variety of foods
Rapid weight loss
Diabetes or inability to lose weight
Digestive distress following travel
History of food poisoning

Frequently Asked Questions
- What does GI-MAP Stand For?
GI-MAP stands for: Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus
- Does GI MAP Test for SIBO?
No - the only thing that tests for SIBO is the breath test. However, the GI MAP might show an elevated presence of methanobrevibacter smithii, which shows likely SIBO.
- How Long Do GI MAP Results Take?
You will typically get your results back in 3-4 weeks. Be sure to check in with your provider to make sure your test was received!
- How Do You Order a GI-MAP?
Only licensed practitioners with Diagnostic Solutions Labs have access to this comprehensive stool test.
- What is the Process for a GI-MAP?
A GI-MAP is a stool test, which means - yes, you have to mail in your stool! We will provide you with a stool collection kit and detailed instructions on the procedure.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
This information is for educational purposes only. The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your physician if you have any question regarding a medical condition