Obesity and Gut Health
Recent studies estimate that up to 17% of children may be overweight or obese in the US (1). Our electronics-crazed society and intake of highly processed foods may be fueling the problem. A new study, however, provides insight on a link between gut bacteria and childhood obesity.
Research into Microbes and Obesity
Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Health found that the bacteria in our guts and how it interacts with our metabolic organs such as fat tissue and immune cells may impact the risk of obesity in children (2).
For years, the medical establishment assumed that obesity was simply a result of overconsumption of calories. But research over the past 10 years suggests that the microbes in our guts are not only linked with obesity but may be one of its key causal factors. Dr. Hariom Yadav is the lead author of the study and assistant professor of molecular medicine at Wake Forest School of Medicine, which is part of Wake Forest Baptist.
Impact of the Mother's Health
Dr. Yadav’s research was published in the most recent issue of Obesity Reviews and evaluates current studies (both animal and human) along with how the connection between the gut microbiome and immune cells can be passed from mother to baby during gestation and then be linked to childhood obesity.
Yadav's review also examined how a mother’s health, food intake, physical activity, use of antibiotics, birth method (vaginal or C-section), and feeding method (breast milk or formula) could impact the risk of obesity in her children.
The Future of Childhood Obesity
According to Yadav, "This compilation of current research should be very useful for doctors, nutritionists and dietitians to discuss with their patients because so many of these factors can be changed if people have enough good information. We also wanted to identify gaps in the science for future research."
Having a better comprehension of how the gut bacteria and childhood obesity is linked will hopefully help researchers create more successful preventive programs and treatment programs to evaluate the rise of childhood obesity, states Yadav.
According to the CDC, the percentage of children in the US impacted by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970’s. Among school-aged children, the rate of obesity is rising 2.3% annually, which is an unusually high rate. Obesity raises the risk for premature chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
Ways to Reduce Obesity
Dietitians can help their clients that are pregnant or have children by doing the following:
1. Encouraging a high-fiber diet during pregnancy.
2. Encouraging a variety of fiber sources during pregnancy.
3. Teaching pregnant women about pre and probiotics and their impact on gut bacteria.
4. Advising clients to avoid fad diets which limit grains, beans, fruit, and other sources of dietary fiber.
5. Advising clients to limit intake of high-sugar, high-fat foods during pregnancy.
6. Teaching mothers to serve their children a wide variety of high-fiber foods from the get-go such as whole grain bread, fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
7. Discouraging children’s intake of highly-processed, low-fiber foods.
8. Encouraging children’s intake of water and avoidance of soda and sugary drinks.
This information is for educational purposes only. The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your physician if you have any question regarding a medical condition