Salmon is high in omega 3 fatty acids. It is is also a great source of protein and B vitamins, which are needed for energy production, controlling inflammation and protecting heart and brain health.
1, 3-ounce fillet of salmon
dash garlic-parsley powder
lemon juice - 1 lemon
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
1tsp Hilamayan or celtic salt
dash of white or black pepper
Preheat broiler in oven.
Sprinkle lemon juice and garlic over the salmon.
Use a microplane to grate the fresh ginger over the salmon.
Broil in oven for 10-12 minutes or until salmon is done and ginger is golden. If ginger darkens too fast, reduce oven temperature to bake at 375 degrees.
Serve hot on bed of shredded fresh arugula with a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar glaze.

Remember to cook the salmon skin side down and avoid stickiness. It's much easier to slide a fish spatula under the salmon's skin than under its delicate flesh.
You can serve the salmon on a bed of shredded spinach. If you do not have balsamic vinegar glaze you can use red wine vinegar, too.